Angela's Story: I Am Worth It

I love being a part of Beautiful Disaster because without you and theTribe I'd be lost!! Before I found Beautiful Disaster, I was a drunk homeless mess who used drugs got beat by men both physically and emotionally. I couldn't even take care of my four kids, I had to give them up for adoption to my mom and my aunt. Also one daughter adopted out. I never knew what actual true love was from a man because all I knew was abuse. I was raped once at 15 and once at 44. It took me finding my guardian angel my sister to me finally getting away from abusers and losers. I was homeless from the age of 25 to 48.
Then I found my fiance on Facebook four years ago and he made me feel good about myself and he made me want to change.
So going on three years ago, I got clean and sober and haven't looked back.
When I first got an outfit from Beautiful Disaster I had no idea the impact the company, the Tribe and you Christina, would have on me. I'm so grateful to you and the Tribe for helping me to see that I am a work in progress and that I no longer need to ask permission- that I am a Beautiful Disaster and I am worth it!!!!