Kathy's Story: I Am A Beautiful Disaster!!

My name is Kathy and I grew up in Rhode Island, living with my grandparents from age 3-7, my mom came back and was with her 7-12. Our home burned down and we lost everything. Me and my siblings were placed with different family members for awhile and at one of these homes I was raped by a family member. I was using drugs and alcohol from the age of 14 and went to a rehab at 15 where I met and moved in with a man 25 years old. I got pregnant at 16, delivered at 17, and was abused by this man. He chased me with an axe one day and shot at me with a shotgun while I was trying to leave with an aunt and my baby. I was knocked in the leg by the bullet, but wouldn’t go to the hospital because I was so afraid of him, but my aunt did call the police and after him getting a great lawyer. He spent like 18 months inside and when he got out, I went back and had another child ( not his) while he was gone. He accepted her and things were ok for a minute until he came at me with a knife. I knew if I stayed I’d probably end up dead, so we left and my mom took my oldest and my dad took the baby 14 months at this time. Met someone new who was my age, 21 at this time, and we got a place together, got engaged and I had my oldest but couldn’t get the baby back because my father and his new wife adopted her behind my back. They were in another state and said I abandoned her so that’s how that went.. I didn’t see her again for 16 years. Had two more children and life went on until another bad relationship that put us all in a shelter. Finally met a great man we were engaged and 3 years into it he shot himself in our home. Life went to shit again and I lost almost everything. My two youngest daughters went with my mom for a few days and I tried to carry on but fell apart within 6 months. A lot of drinking and cocaine with a man who had money to spend and I ended up with two cars in the junk yard in 5 days the second being a dui that almost killed someone and I ended up in jail for 3 years and 1 month. Long story short today I am a survivor and I am married. It’s a rocky relationship and he has some issues but he doesn’t scare me, I’m 51 and he is 66, so when we fight I just go in my room and shut the door.
I wear these clothes proudly and when asked about them I tell them the mission and what cause the money goes. I am a Beautiful Disaster!!