Mellissa's Story: Undeniable Beauty In All Of Our Flaws

The thing that makes me a Beautiful Disaster is that I am completely real, even in all my flaws. I am genuine, loving, compassionate, and loyal.
I have been beaten, battered, bruised and broken yet still choose to love beyond compare!!!
I identify with the Beautiful Disaster brand because I am powerful and the clothing helps me to feel empowered!! I feel beautiful in my Beautiful Disaster clothing and it allows me to show the world that I am beautifully broken, yet courageous and strong enough to keep fighting the battle within!!!
My life has not been easy by any means. I grew up in a household with and alcoholic, extremely abusive father, physically, mentally, verbally and emotionally. He was emotionally unavailable to me at all times. My Mother, while extremely loving and compassionate, was also very passive and enabling and allowed these things to happen while turning away so she didn’t have to admit seeing it. I was sexually abused by a brother 10 years my senior for several years. When he was released from lockup for abusing me, my loving mother allowed him to move back in to our home and the abuse began again.
I started to hate myself and became self injurious and extremely suicidal…something had to be wrong with me, I was defective somehow, somehow this was all my fault, right???
WRONG!!! Through all the trials, I learned that I am strong and capable…I carry with me permanent physical scars, but am beginning to heal from the scars you can’t see. I never imagined making it this far in my life.
I’ve been in counseling for years now and am striving to make the best life I possibly can for myself. I am 37 years old now with 5 children of my own and 2 grandchildren. My children have helped heal me and I refused to give them a life like I had. My 2 oldest daughters are 19 with a 9 and a half month old daughter, and 18 with a 6 and a half month old son, then I have another daughter who is 7 and twin 6 year old boys. My boys are deaf (they were born deaf) and one of them is severely autistic and has a severe global developmental delay, but he too is perfectly imperfect!!! Both boys are nonverbal, but we have our ways to communicate and we spend a lot of time cuddling because I never want my kids to EVER feel unloved like I did!!!
My life now is still a work in progress but with that said, I am making HUGE PROGRESS!!!!
I am unable to pick just one item from Beautiful Disaster brand that’s my favorite but my 2 absolute favorite items are the Phoenix collection and the Angel collection…I also love the Bella Rose collection!!! These collection make me feel secure and powerful!!!
I am a Beautiful Disaster all the way thru and thru!!!
There is an undeniable beauty in all of our flaws!!!
Love you all!