When I was 20 and dating my boyfriend, I thought losing my baby girl because she was so excited to come home, (she came at 21 weeks) was going to be the worst thing I ever would go through. The next few years were a mix of bad and good: I graduated college with a degree in physical education, my boyfriend and I got engaged and married, we’ve lost another 2 pregnancies, blew out my knee and ended up having to have surgery.  But now I’m 25 and ready to rule to world, or at least my classroom.  I was not ready to be so bullied by the men and even sexually assaulted by 2 of them - one being the principal after I filed a complaint. It got so bad that I left teaching - not just at that school, but teaching.  Again the next few years have gone by and more good and bad: lost 2 more pregnancies, started looking into adoption, got some furry babies to help me with my depression, went back to school in graphic design and was doing amazing.  I was working delivering newspapers for some extra money, and on January 14th, 2018 was hit by a drunk driver.  It was bad - my car flipped and rolled and all I remember is the feeling of spinning and then nothing.  The bundles of newspapers at about 20 pounds each were turned into projectiles hitting me all over but especially my head.  Turns out I hit my head a bunch. The only thing that saved my life was the roll bar on my Jeep that kept it from crushing when rolling. Despite a broken foot, by the time the ambulance was there I was conscious enough to walk to the ambulance myself - because dammit I can!  Between then and now it’s been rough - I hit my head harder than we thought and I was collecting fluid on the brain. 3 drains later and it’s doing okay but we still have to watch it. Because of the fluid, I basically had a stroke and lost the ability to walk, eat, or do anything by myself.  This past year I walked with my Walker (slowly but I’m moving), the only thing I know I’ve lost permanently is driving and that’s cause of damage in my brain. I’ve graduated my next stage of PT/OT/Speech.  I can actually workout on my own - and slowly, but moving. I can do so much more that I or my doctors ever thought I could.  I still can’t stand long enough to do a lot, like cooking, taking a shower without a chair, even putting clothes away. I still have seizures. When Beautiful Disaster came out with the Warrior Collection - I didn't realize that was me until I saw the pants that I just HAD to have. I didn’t know I was strong until I had to be or give up. I tried giving up several times and wear a ; tattoo to remind myself I can get past the hard times. But this Christmas my husband got me rest of the Warrior collection I was missing - the hoodie!! I can’t wait to wear it around and show people I am a warrior!! I’m so happy I saw that one Facebook ad and just had to check it out! I’m so happy I did! I just hope seeing me wear my favorite clothes that someone can find themself!  

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January 13, 2023