I have been mentally, physically, and emotionally abuse by my dad and all of my exes. I got rape by a ex Marine. I got cheated on, used by my exes. My credit was very bad. I shouldn't have let my exes use my information. I had two surgeries on my right hips when I was 10 years old. I got out of a tough spot in 2009 and I broke up with my fiance of 4 1/2 years in 2009. He was cheating on me and physically abusive. I had a miscarriage 14 yrs ago. I'm in a 3 1/2 years relationship with a respect and loyal guy. I have a job that I like. My favorite item will be the stronger collection because I wasn't strong woman, but I am strong and happy. I found Beautiful disaster in 2021 on Facebook and I love this tribe. I can't believe I'm this tribe for almost 3 years. 


Tammy said:

Iut of the ashes we rise. Keep soaring my beautiful BD Sister!

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July 14, 2023